I read an email this week which reminded me that 2020 isn’t cancelled. It’s tempting to write off this year when this mindset seems to be everywhere at the moment, don’t you think? The truth is, it feels like I have been in my own lockdown since November...that’s nearly 10 months now! Although it’s been my toughest year yet for reasons not helped by a global pandemic, we are all in this together and 2020 has brought good things too. So for my August blog and would be Wedding Day, I’m putting my positive pants on and reflecting on my lockdown silver linings.

Being in lockdown gave me the time to recover from my surgery in my own time. I really feel like I’ve had the time to adapt and to appreciate my resilient body. If it wasn’t for lockdown, I’m pretty sure I would have felt more pressure to return to “normal” and go back to full time work before I was ready. For the record, I’m still not ready and I don’t know when I will be...but I’ve learnt that’s ok! I am grateful to have had this extra time to process everything that happened so suddenly, while not feeling like I’m missing out or being left behind (the FOMO was REAL for me up until lockdown!). Something else I’ve noticed is that people can empathise more now with what it’s like to be stuck at home with a chronic illness, having experienced a lockdown of their own.

Being in lockdown gave me more quality time with Adam and the girls. We have loved exploring our local area and supporting local businesses where we can. After my surgery, we started walking together and we’ve kept up our 5k walk around the river most days. It gives us time to really check in with each other. We’ve discovered we LOVE llamas...and we go to see what they’re up to most days. With the gyms closed for lockdown, we joined our local tennis club! I’ve always had special rules when we’ve played tennis on holiday (I’m no Serena Williams) but I’m finally getting better...Wimbledon here we come! We have learnt some new skills in the kitchen too. Our favourites are baking pizzas, cheesecakes and quiches...SO delicious! And when it’s time to get our heads down and work, what is better than taking breaks with our beautiful girls or chilling in the hot tub?!

Llama watching
Wimbledon training
Chilling in the tub

Being in lockdown gave me more “me time”. I have always needed downtime (or my mum calls it peace!) and a creative outlet and I get cranky if I sacrifice either. Last year was my first year of saying no to things I didn’t want to do but there is nothing like a lockdown to give you more me time! My resolution for 2020 was to read 12 books in 12 months and thanks to lockdown, I’ve almost finished my 8th book...the most I’ve read in a year, probably ever! I’ve loved having more time to focus on my creative projects, like practicing calligraphy and writing for My Friend Wendy. These are the little luxuries I didn’t know I was missing.

Calligraphy practice

There are lots of things that I will hold onto as we come out of lockdown, one of which is slowing down and being present. It goes without saying that it’s not been all sunshine and rainbows for any of us and the effects of the pandemic are undeniably tragic, so focusing on what we have gained in 2020 has to be the way forward. Here is to hoping that we have no further lockdowns but knowing that if we do, we’ve got this.

Love Me &

My Friend Wendy.